For Immediate Release

Office of Press Relations

Press Release

USAID released its updated Resilience Policy, providing a roadmap for the Agency’s work over the next decade in helping people, communities, and countries protect and improve their well-being in the face of accelerating shocks and stresses.

The updated policy draws on more than a decade of investments and learning to strengthen resilience and provides a set of operating principles to guide USAID and its Missions around the world, with an emphasis on using flexible, adaptive, and complementary approaches with global and local partners to achieve greater impact.  

The policy also reaffirms the Agency’s commitment to strengthening resilience and expands on the inaugural policy, released in 2012, by broadening resilience strengthening efforts beyond areas of recurrent crises and building resilience into USAID’s programs across a wide range of sectors.

USAID’s resilience agenda has evolved to meet a new risk environment of global shocks, such as COVID-19 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, along with ongoing and compounding crises such as the climate crisis and rising inequality and conflict. These shocks have undercut development gains and overall human well-being, and threaten global prosperity and opportunity.

The updated policy aligns with USAID priorities for women and youth empowerment, localization, and advancing humanitarian, development and peace coherence, and accelerates USAID’s commitment to drive progress beyond programs. 

To learn more about USAID’s updated Resilience Policy, please visit



In the increasingly complex environments in which USAID works, USAID seeks to strengthen resilience by analyzing and understanding interrelated risks;  layering development, humanitarian, and peace assistance in complementary ways; and strengthening systems including inclusive market and social protection systems.

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