CBLD-9 Steps
- Define performance improvement priorities with the partner organization (and its stakeholders).
- Analyze and assess gaps between current and desired performance.
- Select and implement solutions that contribute to performance improvement.
- Monitor and measure change in performance.
The Local Capacity Strengthening (LCS) Policy guides USAID decisions about why and how to invest in the capacity of local actors based on principles derived from an emerging consensus across the development landscape, feedback from local actors and partners, and years of implementation experience and evidence.
USAID uses the Standard Foreign Assistance Indicator CBLD-9 to track Agency-wide progress to strengthen the performance of local organizations.
CBLD-9 measures the percent of U.S. Government-assisted organizations with improved performance.
On this page, you can access a range of resources related to the CBLD-9 indicator, including:
- Co-Creation: An Interactive Guide
- The CBLD-9 Measurement Guide [437K PDF] (2021), which includes an overview of common capacity assessment tools and their uses, some high-level examples, and tips for measuring performance improvement.
- The CBLD-9 Performance Indicator Reference Sheet (PIRS) [94K PDF]
- Guide for Distinguishing Tools - This document offers guidance to assist USAID staff and partners select which tools are most useful for performance measurement, capacity action planning, and risk mitigation.
- A frequently asked questions (FAQs) document
- CBLD-9 Target Setting Guidance [360K PDF]
- A worksheet for Missions [135K Excel] to input data related to CBLD-9
- A worksheet for implementing partners [154K Excel] to input data related
to CBLD-9 - A webinar slidedeck about CBLD-9 from February 2020.