
2023 - 2028 | ACDI-VOCA | $18,000,000


The USAID Tajikistan Employment and Enterprise Development Activity (EEDA), implemented by ACDI/VOCA, will work with local and international market actors throughout Tajikistan to spur job creation and catalyze a local entrepreneurship ecosystem while strengthening value-added exports in the textile, food processing, and IT sectors.

A new growth model will improve productivity, workforce skills, and business development.

A $6.1 million Market Partnership Fund will incentivize market actors to start or expand businesses in high-growth industries with green growth potential, enhance workforce skills, and generate inclusive economic opportunities.

EEDA will deploy an initial $2 million venture capital fund through AV Ventures and the Central Asia Impact Fund, which has agreed to commit $2 million in matching funds to invest in private sector companies, including missing-middle Small Medium Enterprises, larger anchor firms, and financial intermediaries lending to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.


  • Strengthen the enabling environment through empowering the private sector. 
  • Unlock access to growth-oriented capital through demand- and supply-side interventions. 
  • Improve the flow of information through coordination to allow private sector investment to upgrade technologies and equipment. 
  • Incentivize upgrades to and investment in skills development. 
  • Address exclusionary norms and policies.


  • 30% Increase in sales among participants
  • 5,000 Permanent jobs
  • 100 Green innovations facilitated
  • 200 Business startups with access to finance
  • $10 M Investment leveraged

Market Partnership Fund

Technical assistance, grants and seed and early-stage capital

  • $3.6M - 200 micro, small, and medium enterprises and ten innovative start ups

  • $2M - Local market actors, including technical assistance providers

  • $500K - Short-term technical assistance from fintech and specialized product developers

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