

The USAID Healthy Mother, Healthy Baby (HMHB) Activity supports Tajik Health Care Workers, communities, and families to improve the health and nutrition of pregnant and breastfeeding women and their children during the first golden 1,000 days. It supports the Government of Tajikistan to reduce maternal and child mortality and malnutrition in the 12 western districts of the Khatlon Region through the implementation of national strategies intended to improve health and nutrition for women and children by providing technical and organizational support to strengthen all levels of the health system including individual ownership of their health. The implementation areas are: Balkhi, Dusti, Jayhun, A. Jomi, Khuroson, Kushoniyon, Levakant, N. Khusrav, Qubodiyon, Shahritus, Vakhsh, Yovon districts.


To deliver long-term, country-led results, HMHB supports the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Population (MoHSPP) to adapt existing systems that support maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) and nutrition interventions and strengthen local technical and organizational capacities at all levels. HMHB works to close the knowledge-to-action gap and accelerate impactful shifts in social norms by expanding and innovating evidence-based global best practices that catalyze change at the community and facility level in the Khatlon Region.


Scale up and institutionalize quality health and nutrition services for moms, newborns, and children.


Support the Scaling Up Nutrition movement and national strategies.


Improve nutrition and maternal and child health through social and behavior change.


  • Supported MoHSPP in reviewing, developing, and implementing national strategies and plans. 
  • Completed six studies to better identify MoHSPP's capacity and policy constraints and devise realistic localized approaches to improving quality of care and access to health, nutrition, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). 
  • Supported MoHSPP in adapting existing systems that support MNCH and nutrition interventions and strengthening local technical and organizational capacities. 
  • Based on findings from a Health Care Worker Well-being Survey, a holistic well-being program to strengthen the quality of care was revised and rolled out. 
  • Strengthened network of care linking primary healthcare facilities and hospitals. 
  • Adhered to a community partnership approach by working with and through the Healthy Lifestyle Center and primary healthcare systems to create Community Health Teams. 
  • Strengthened quality improvement by engaging the community on its health responsibilities and ownership and bolstered a health facility referral system for pregnant women and children. 
  • Transformed MNCH and nutrition practices through robust social and behavior change communications (SBCC) to create new norms, build social support, and foster joint health and nutrition planning and decision-making among men and women. 
  • Collaborated with the Committee on Religious Affairs and Regulation of Traditions and Rituals of the Republic of Tajikistan to train religious leaders on male engagement on MNCH, nutrition, WASH, and gender-based issues. 
  • Integrated climate change adaptation using SBCC and facility-based activities. 
  • Leveraged technology-based solutions to assist MoHSPP in identifying and solving health system challenges, including developing Health Care Worker and MNCH Registries. 
  • Assumed SUN Secretariat to lead Tajikistan on stunting reduction and fortification. 
  • Implemented laws and national nutrition programs, including food fortification. 
  • Obtained Ministry of Education approval for a new national health, WASH and nutrition curriculum for high schools.

BUDGET: $17,329,339

PROJECT DURATION: Oct 2020 – Sept 2025

CONTACTS: Clifford Lubitz, Chief of Party E-mail:

USAID Healthy Mother, Healthy Baby is implemented by Abt Global.

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