
Friday, February 11, 2022

On January 28, USAID and MONRE formalized their partnership on addressing the complex challenges of climate change and environmental pollution through the signing of their first-ever Memorandum of Understanding. Over the past five years, USAID has been working closely with Vietnam to foster collective action by local actors—including the Government of Vietnam, private sector, social organizations and citizens—to raise awareness of the causes and effects of environmental pollution, and to increase knowledge of effective strategies for reducing environmental pollution. Speaking at the signing ceremony, Mission Director Ann Marie Yastishock emphasized how the MOU will help facilitate effective collaboration in support of Vietnam’s commitments made at COP26.

By empowering local actors to take the lead in identifying and addressing environmental challenges, USAID advances locally-led and -sustained development and contributes to Vietnam's ownership of its own prosperity, quality of life and sustainable, green economic growth.

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Giám đốc USAID Việt Nam Ann Marie Yastishock và Thứ trưởng Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường Lê Công Thành đại diện hai cơ quan ký bản ghi nhớ.
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