
Friday, June 11, 2021

Water pollution and plastic waste are among the greatest environmental challenges for Vietnam. USAID Local Works is supporting local government efforts to promote a better environment by providing meaningful opportunities for collective participation by every citizen, local actor and government agency, fostering behavior change, collaboration, and increased local knowledge. On June 4, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Danang, and the Center for Environment and Community Research (CECR) and the Center for Supporting Green Development (GreenHub), two local organizations, to signify cooperation and commitment to contribute to Danang City’s Action Plan "Building Danang - Environmental City 2021-2030”. Through USAID’s Collective Action for Water Conservation project, implemented by CECR, and the Local Solutions for Plastic Pollution project, implemented by GreenHub, USAID is empowering Danang city to take the lead in addressing their water and plastic waste challenges through collective action and citizen involvement.

So what? USAID’s support helps balance Vietnam’s rapid economic growth with environmental safeguards to ensure short term progress is not compromised by long-term environmental decline. By involving local actors in improving environmental management, USAID contributes to Vietnam's ownership of its prosperity, quality of life and sustainable, green economic growth.

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