Friday, August 9, 2024

USAID Kenya/East Africa and the YALI East Africa (EA) RLC staff visited Tanzania in late June to document and learn more about what alumni are doing in their communities, how the program affected their work, and also to build networking opportunities with the Tanzanian Government, US Embassy, and USAID Mission. The team visited sub-grantees of the YALI RLC EA Transformation Fund grants, which are small catalytic grants, ranging from $10,000 to $30,000, that alumni chapters or individual alumni organizations can access to support initiatives in their communities. The visit also sought to assess alumni impact, strengthen the relationships between Alumni Country Chapters and the US Embassy and USAID and connect with the alumni chapters/regional chapters to explore further support opportunities.

During their trip to Zanzibar, the delegation met with a number of YALI alumni, including:

  • Mussa Mbwarra, RLC alumnus cohort 51, who founded Mussa Mbwarra Catering and is the Chief Accountant at the Pamjoa Youth Initiative. The organization is an independent youth-led non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit making organization dedicated toward empowering Zanzibar youth to realize and utilize potential in propelling socio-economic and political development in Zanzibar. The YALI leadership training he earned at the RLC for East Africa helped him streamline his work and balance employment and running an initiative. 

  • Abdalla Abeid, RLC alumnus cohort 6, is the Founder and Executive Director at the Zanzibar Fighting Against Youth Challenges Organization (ZAFAYCO). Abdalla is deeply committed to addressing youth challenges in Zanzibar. His approach, which focuses on creating awareness and building capacity through civic engagement, economic empowerment, health promotion, and environmental awareness, has led to the successful implementation of over 60 projects. These initiatives have positively impacted 17,000 youths and earned the organization over ten awards in various categories, a testament to their significant contribution to youth empowerment in Zanzibar.

  • Abrahman Suleiman Issa, RLC alumnus cohort 52, is the founder of the Zanzibar Green Culture Organization (ZAGCO). The organization works with young college students in the veterinary field, equipping them with practical skills in animal husbandry, animal keeping, and agricultural practices. Abrahman founded the organization and is also the Board Chairman. The organization has 52 members, including 32 female members. The organization has received support from various partners, including Feed the Future - USAID Tanzania’s Kilimo Tija project, which is a five-year activity that will transform the Tanzanian horticulture market system into a more vibrant, competitive, resilient, and inclusive one capable of fueling sustained growth and drawing in new market participants.

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