USAID is developing a set of behavior standards along with its new Policy on Fostering a Culture of Scientific Integrity. 

CHECK BACK! Once approved, those standards will be posted here.

The standards will include three nested sets of behaviors:

  1. A set of behaviors to which all members of the USAID workforce must adhere to the best of their ability.
    1. This applies to all USAID employees, institutional services contractors, personal services contractors, fellows, contracted implementing partners, political appointees, trainees, interns, volunteers, and advisory committee members, when they propose, conduct, or review science or communicate about science and scientific activities; and to all levels of employees who manage or supervise scientific activities or use scientific information in decision-making.
  2. A set of behaviors to which USAID staff and partners who engage in scientific activities must adhere (in addition to those above), to the best of their ability.
    1. Where “science” refers to the full spectrum of scientific endeavors, including basic science, applied science, evaluation science, engineering, technology, economics, social sciences, and statistics, as well as the scientific and technical information derived from these endeavors; and “scientist” refers to anyone who collects, generates, or evaluates scientific data, analyses, or products; and
    2. Where “scientific activities” include: proposing, reviewing, managing, funding, conducting, and collaborating on scientific research; communicating about science and related activities; strengthening scientific capacity in partner countries; and using the results of science in programming and decision-making. They include analyzing, synthesizing, compiling, or translating scientific information and data, including statistical analyses. 
  3. A set of behaviors to which USAID leaders and decision-makers must adhere (in addition to I and II above).