Scientific Integrity Committee & Officials

USAID’s 2024 scientific integrity policy will articulate the duties of the federally mandated role of the Agency Scientific Integrity Official and will establish Deputy Scientific Integrity Officials and Mission Scientific Integrity Officials. Furthermore, it will establish the USAID Scientific Integrity Committee, which will be chaired by the Agency Scientific Integrity Official.

Scientific Integrity Committee

The Committee will provide oversight for implementing USAID’s scientific integrity policies, including serving as a liaison with Agency bureaus and offices, assisting with training and policy assessment, and addressing concerns regarding the policy and associated procedures. 

CHECK BACK! A table of the SI Committee members’ names and contact info will be posted once established.

USAID Scientific Integrity Officials

Agency Scientific Integrity Official (SIO) 
The SIO is the Agency's focal point on scientific integrity. USAID is in the process of establishing this new role for the Agency.

Deputy Scientific Integrity Officials (DSIOs)
DSIOs will be career senior Agency executives who have significant tenure and breadth of experience within the federal government and preferably within USAID, as well as a fundamental understanding of how science is utilized within their respective Bureaus and Independent Offices. DSIOs are expected to brief, coordinate with, and represent their bureaus and offices on issues before the Scientific Integrity Committee.

Mission Scientific Integrity Officials (MSIOs)
To promote a culture of scientific integrity across the entire Agency and to ensure that overseas field offices have easier access to the SIO and DSIOs, each USAID Mission must have a designated “Mission Scientific Integrity Official” (MSIO). While MSIOs are not members of the SI Committee, they will serve as points of contact for Mission staff on scientific integrity issues, report issues to their respective Bureau DSIOs, and attend Scientific Integrity Committee meetings or deliberations when appropriate.

CHECK BACK! A roster of the names and contact info for MSIOs will be linked here once established.

Scientific Integrity